Hey guys, It's John and ok lets just cut to the chase. Who here has seen Avengers Endgame ? Of course you freaking saw it! Who hasn't?! Endgame was an epic, emotional, and extravagant finale to this chapter of the MCU and serves as a perfect ending for the original six avengers. Now I was originally going to write my own review for the film but you know what? After seeing it, I just couldn't stop thinking about where the MCU could go after a film of this caliber. So instead, I'm just going to talk about the kind of films I'd love to see in this brand new chapter of the MCU going forward. Now for this list I'm only going to go with properties that Marvel hasn't currently announced plans for. So in other words characters that have been confirmed to get television shows or full on theatrical sequels will not appear on this list. Also be warned, because I will have spoilers for Endgame present when talking about these properties so if you have not seen...
Just a place where I give my two cents various topics.