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Sonic's the name speed's his game! |
7. Music Plant (Sonic Advance 2)
Now the first Sonic Advance believe it or not was my first Sonic game and it was the game that turned me into a loyal fan of the series. So when I found out there was a sequel, I was stoked. So when my mom finally bought the game for me I had a blast with it. Even if I didn't think it was as good as the first. But one level in particular that stood out to me was the Music Plant.
This level is unique to others in the series because of its theme around musical instruments. Some of the highlights of it are having the characters bouncing on the keys of a giant Xylophone, being shot out of trumpets and bouncing on walls made out of piano keys. Add in a memorable tune and you've got yourself a fun level that you won't forget anytime soon.
6. Ice Cap Zone (Sonic 3 & Knuckles)
Out of all the ice levels in Sonic's history, this one was the first and easily the most iconic. It starts out with Sonic snowboarding down a huge slope at high speeds before eventually crashing into the Icy caves below. From there, Sonic and Tails have to navigate their way back to the top of the winter wonderland while facing off against badniks and solving all kinds of puzzles along the way.
First of all, this level is just beautiful to look at, with the deep blue parts of the caves contrasting nicely with the crystal clear ice and white snow that sonic and tails run on throughout the stage. There are also some nice gimmicks in this level such as hitching a ride on a runaway ice block to progress through the stage and ramming a swinger at high speed so that it can take you to higher places. And lastly there's the music. My god, this is easily one of the most memorable tunes in the entire series, and in a franchise known for its god tier music, that's quite a feat. It just has a really relaxing yet ominous feel to it, which is quite fitting for a level set in the polar ice caps.
All in all, Ice Cap zone really stands out as one of the best levels from one of the best Sonic games. Which makes me all the more pissed that it didn't get chosen to have a facelift in Sonic Generations.
5. Ocean Palace (Sonic Heroes)
While Sonic Advance may have been my first Sonic game overall, Sonic Heroes was my first 3D sonic game. And still to this day it remains one of my favorites. But if I had to choose a favorite stage, it would have to be Ocean Palace. While Seaside Hill wasn't that impressive, Ocean Palace kicks things up a notch by taking place entirely in an ancient civilization built on top of the ocean. From there all four teams have to run through the breathtaking ruins so that they can have the first showdown with Eggman.
I think what I like the most about this stage is the atmosphere. It's just very joyful and bright which really helps energize you and motivate you to complete the stage.
Another thing I like is, big shock, the music. It perfectly fits the atmosphere of this stage especially with the guitar courtesy of Jun Seuone. Hell I love this song so much I even have it on my iPod!
Now as for the gameplay aesthetics, I think this stage is where the power characters really get to shine since most of the stage requires you to smash through the ruins and hitch a ride on the giant fans. Plus it is a blast when you manage to level up your power characters and cut loose on Eggman's robots. Overall, Ocean Palace is an impressive first stage. And it's not hard to see why it's a favorite among the staff at Sonic Team.
4. Jungle Joyride (Sonic Unleashed)
While Sonic Unleashed may have been a mixed bag for some (mainly due to the werehog), I still found it an enjoyable game. But one thing that everybody can agree on, is that the best part of the game where the day time stages. Hoo boy, Unleashed is definitely the game that showed just how fast Sonic can really move, and the one stage in the game that really takes advantage of the then new boost mechanic, is Jungle Joyride.
In this stage based off of the jungles of Angkor Wat, Sonic starts off by blasting through the village while grinding on the rooftops and dodging giant axes. Then you have to use the boost to have Sonic run across the ocean and into the deep jungle where Eggman's forces are waiting for you.
The best part of this stage is easily the visuals. With the new hedgehog engine, Sonic team managed to blow fans away with how beautiful the environments in this game looked and Jungle Joyride is easily the best of these in my opinion. I mean seriously, everything is so detailed I often feel like I could just reach into the water and feel the soft sand in my hands. And of course the fast paced gameplay for the stage helps out as well as it really gets the blood pumping as you have to dodge attacks from Eggman's robots and avoid hazards from both the jungle and the village. And in a bumping theme and you've got yourself one hell of a level.
3. Speed Highway (Sonic Generations)
Right after Emerald Coast, Speed Highway is definitely the most memorable level from Sonic's first fully 3D outing, Sonic Adventure. And just like Emerald Coast had an Orca Chase as its iconic set piece, Speed Highway had its own with the "Going Down" segment in which Sonic runs down a skyscraper at full speed. So how does the Generations version fare in this regard? It takes everything great about Speed Highway and makes it even better.
Obviously the stage is good on the eyes as it (along with the other stages) got an HD facelift. Everything is extremely detailed as you can now see traffic going on in the background, clearly make out the neon signs that you pass by, and even see how much detail they put in the parking lots, apartments, and hotels that you go through!
And of course there are the good old set pieces such as the rockets and helicopters that both Sonic's can hitch a ride on. But one detail that really impressed me was in the beginning of Modern Sonic's rendition of the stage. As you begin to run down the highway, you see a helicopter flying on the side. At first it looks like part of the background, but as it turns out, you can actually jump onto the copter and it will take you to an alternate path! Like I said, it really shows how much detail Sonic Team put into these updates on old favorites.
As for the music, I think classic Sonic's rendition of the stage really steals the show as it has bumping dub step remix of the original Speed Highway theme, courtesy of Cash Cash. Seriously it sounds like something you'd hear at a rave. Of course, modern Sonic's rendition is cool too, with it being a cool sounding rock remix of the original theme.
You ever hear the old saying "You can't perfect perfection"? Well I think the Generations version of Speed Highway is the ultimate exception to that rule.
2. Chemical Plant Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog 2)
Even though I praised Jungle Joyride for showcasing Sonic's speed, right now we have give credit to one of the first stages to show how fast Sonic can go. And that's none other than chemical plant zone. After being introduced to the game by an underwhelming Green Hill carbon copy, the game kicks it up a notch by plopping you right in the middle of a cool looking power plant.
This stage just immediately pulls you in with its darker and more fast paced atmosphere as you begin explore the plant with tails in tow. Suddenly, you get sucked in through these tunes that forces Sonic and Tails into ball mode as they get shot through the other parts of the stage at high speed. Then the stages most iconic set piece takes center stage as sonic runs down a slope so fast that not even the camera can keep up with him! But it all comes to a screeching halt if Sonic and Tails fall into the deeper parts of the plant and have to get out while avoiding drowning in the pink chemicals. But if you know what you're doing you'll be fine.
In conclusion, while Sonic 1 did a good job introducing the world to the Blue Blur, it was Sonic 2 and chemical plant that showed that Sonic and blast processing were a force to be reckoned with.
1. City Escape (Sonic Adventure 2/Sonic Generations)
Oh hell yes. I know I'm cheating a bit for this one but both renditions of this level were incredible. Seriously, as soon as you start the hero story of SA2, you're treated to a cutscene of Sonic breaking out of a military helicopter and then grabbing a snowboard and plunging towards the city of San Francisco all while cracking a smile. And then there's the level itself, Sonic starts out boarding down the streets of the city knocking cars out of his way and doing tricks off of ramps all culminating in him sending a trolley flying as he starts to run through the city on foot all with the famous "Escape from the City" playing all the while through. Seriously, is there any millennial that doesn't know this song by heart? And the level reaches its climax when a giant truck starts chasing sonic down the road.
But the Generations version? Hoo boy it goes above and beyond.
All in all, City Escape was one hell of a way to open up a game, and Generations made it even more awesome than it already was. Which is why both versions take the top spot as my favorite Sonic levels of all time.
But these are just my thoughts, what are some Sonic levels that left an impact on you? Fell free to tell me in the comment section below. Until next time, see ya.
Oh and happy birthday Sonic!
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