Ah DC animation. While this series of movies may be direct to video, they have consistently been praised for their impressive animation, strong storylines, and interesting directions that they take their iconic characters in. But recently, I haven't been impressed with their movies. In my opinion, the DC animated films have taken a severe nosedive in quality starting with "Justice League War". The Batman films they released later (with the exception of Assault on Arkham) weren't any better and they really disappointed me with the turd known as "Throne of Atlantis" (or as I like to call it, "The Lion King Underwater"). So is Gods and Monsters another dud from DC, or has Bruce Timm delivered yet again? Let's find out. The Story In a parallel universe, the Justice League only consists of the Trinity (Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman). However, this Trinity is a hell of a lot different from the Trinity we're used to seeing. Unlike the mainstr...
Just a place where I give my two cents various topics.